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Memberships & Affiliations

Memberships & Affiliations

Although our brand proposition is that we want to lead our industry not only by what we deliver but also in the way we engage and how we deliver to market. We cannot do this alone and require a collection of critical partnerships that help steer our progression holding us to account against our vision as a brand. 

1% for the Planet

1% for the Planet

Our partnership with One Percent for the Planet sees at least one percent of our annual sales directed towards environmental causes. Buying into the organisational mission to "build, support and activate an alliance of businesses financially committed to creating a healthy planet" has seen On OneFrame Architectural Fabric Tension Systems position their corporate strategy to facilitate and deliver solutions to this end.

Sustainable Business Network

Sustainable Business Network

Our partnership with the Sustainable Business Network is fostered in our belief that a low carbon circular economy offers a truly sustainable alternative to the dominant economic model of ‘take, make and waste’.

New Zealand Green Building Council

New Zealand Green Building Council

Our partnership with the New Zealand Green Building Council links our organisation up with a group that is made up of over 520+ innovative organisations and business in New Zealand who believe as a country we need better buildings. As an organisation we are collectively shifting the culture of how we design, build, and manage our buildings.

Buy New Zealand Made

Buy New Zealand Made

As a manufacturing organisation based in New Zealand, we understand the value manufacturing locally has on our people, community, environment, and economy. Although OneFrame Architectural Fabric Tension Systems delivery is mostly focused within Aotearoa, we do also hold an offshore commercial footprint where it be nationally or internationally carrying the Kiwi trademark is a critical to our brand DNA.

Retail Interiors Association

Retail Interiors Association

Our partnership with the NZRIA puts us at the forefront of the retail design space rubbing shoulders with those who have a vested interest to design better for today’s behaviours and tomorrow potential. No organisation better understands the need to disrupt, stand-out from the crowd and foster an emotional connection with a brand more than OneFrame Architectural Fabric Tension Systems.

New Zealand Institute of Architects

New Zealand Institute of Architects

As a friend of the New Zealand Institute of Architects we believe that great architecture enriches our lives physically, psychologically, spiritually, and emotionally leaving a legacy for generations to come. The OneFrame Architectural Fabric Tension Systems team has a dedicated focus on influencing and educating architects, specifiers, designers, and those that share our passion for a more sustainable tomorrow through innovative delivery.

The Acoustical Society of New Zealand

The Acoustical Society of New Zealand

Acoustics by many is seen as some sort of dark art and not fully understood by those outside the industry. With modern design seeing more polished surfaces and large glass facing acoustics solutions in both residential and commercial applications is needed now more than ever. Through our affiliation with the Acoustical Society of New Zealand we hope to increase and diffuse the knowledge of acoustics and promote its practical application.